Photo of MORALDI * Spain

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What appears to be hidden from the shadows full of praise motives and thoughts, which cover a wide spectral range in which thematic abstract shapes aura and sense of calm enveloping the sensory romp, the soft transmission of thoughts that swarm drawing a creative environment outstanding when the vacuum is shown as a nonsense that...

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Photo of MORALDI * Spain


In my personal page you can see my work in a virtual gallery.

What appears to be hidden from the shadows full of praise motives and thoughts, which cover a wide spectral range in which thematic abstract shapes aura and sense of calm enveloping the sensory romp, the soft transmission of thoughts that swarm drawing a creative environment outstanding when the vacuum is shown as a nonsense that gives way to a priori elements that can be varied but whose background is none other than a basic embodiment of the real, from the depths that the creator intended to convey and that the spectator is capable of capturing or not.

Painting and sculpture together complement, play with the Cosmos "matter in which they happen to develop in a clear contrast of planes which expressive forms and gives priority to parts of a gear.

One way that is evolutionary in pure abstraction to semifiguración summary of a habit as creator, as a faithful reflection of a more intense search in the transfer of claims, states, emotions and experiences.

Francisco Arroyo Ceballos
Spanish Assoc of Art Critics (AECA)



1992 Exhibition Hall of the Church of San Jose in partnership with ayto. Puerto Real. Cadiz.
Showroom 1995/97 U. Hospital Puerta del Mar. Cádiz.
1996/01 Exhibition Hall of the Cultural Center of San Fernando
Café 1996, "The Chamber". Cadiz.
1997 Bar-Cafeteria, "The Shipping. Cadiz.
1999 Room Exhibition "Conde del Pinar", Chiclana de la Frontera
1999/00/03 Art Market in Montigny-le-Bretoneux, Paris, France.
1999 Gallery of art "go out", San Fernando, Cádiz.
2000 Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands.
2001 Room Vasallo, Chiclana de la Frontera. Cadiz.
2004 Gallery "The Alley", Museo Taurino Municipal, Chiclana, Cádiz.
2006 Gallery Iñaki Elso, Chiclana de la Frontera, Cadiz
2007 Museo Taurino Chicalana Municipal de la Frontera, Cadiz.

2007 Room Unicaja, Cadiz.
2008 Hall of exhibitions at the Culture House in Chiclana de la Frontera. Cadiz
2009 Chamber "Aires de Cordoba". Cordoba


1992 Prize for Painting, "La Laguna". Cadiz. 1993 to 2008 Hall of Fall. Paint Contest Nac. San Fernando. Cadiz. Certamen XXXII 1993/94 Paint Nac. Military Hall. Cadiz. 1995/96 Finalist in the I and II, Painting Contest, "The Müllenbach Tuesday, San Fernando. Cadiz. 1995/97 Hospital U. Sea Gate Exhibition Hall. Cadiz. 1997/98/99/00 XVI Painting Competition, "Manuel Hernandez Homedez. San Fernando. 1999/00 Montigny-le-Bretonneux, Yvelines, Paris, France, 1998 Opening Salgar Room, San Fernando, Cádiz 1999 / 00/01/03 XIX Painting Contest, "Ciudad de Chiclana, Cádiz. 1999 II Painting Competition, Confederation of Employers of Cadiz. 1999 Prize in Painting Biennial XXIX. Fundación Fernando Villalón, Moron de la Frontera, Sevilla. Painting Contest 1999/00/01/03 autumn Vipra Foundation, Chiclana de la Fra. Cadiz 2000 XI painting and drawing contest, "City of Alora, Malaga. 2001 Award in the XX Certamen Ciudad de Chiclana, Cádiz. 2002 III Art Exhibit solidarity. Assoc of parents of autistic children in Cadiz. Art Market 2004/06 chiclana city. Cadiz. Work finalist in the 2007 Painting Competition IV "Lombarte Desideri, Teruel. 2007 Finalist in the Third Edition of the Painting Contest "Cártama Creative, Malaga. 2007 Finalist in the Cert II. Painting "Landscapes of Light", Granada. 2007 Work selected in the XIII Cert. Birth of painting "La Palma del Condado, Huelva. 2007 Finalist in the Cert. Nac minicuadros "Muz-Martinez, Alicante. 2007 XXIII Cert. Tribute to Nat paint Serrano Cuesta Cazorla, Jaen. 2007 Finalist in the painting competition XI Biennial Boecillo. Valladolid. 2007/08 Finalist in Painting Contest "Miguelturra", Ciudad Real. 2007 Honorable Mention Award at the XXII Hispanoamericano Painting "Diego Losada," Zamora 2007 Finalist in the Sixth Cert. Painting Club taurine San Martín "Fernando Ribera, Madrid. XLIII 2007 Cert. Painting and sculpture. Circulo de Bellas Artes de Pozoblanco. Córdoba. 2007 First Prize Painting Prize at the V International Competition of Visual Arts 2007 Finalist in Cordoba XIX Conc Of Fine Arts "Miguel Gonzalez Sandoval", Seville. 2008 Finalist in the 7th and 8th Prize Painting on Paper Artificer. Loja, Granada 2008 Art Gallery "Maria Aguilar" Novo Sancti-Petrri, Chiclana de la Frontera, Cadiz. 2008 Award in Visual Arts Award VI of Cordoba. 2008 Finalist in the Contest XXX Carta Puebla. Ciudad Real.


Contemporary Art Museum of Velez-Malaga, Malaga.
Municipal Historical Museum of San Fernando.
Culture Delegation of Chiclana de la Frontera. Cadiz. (Three works).
International Montigny. Montigny-le-Bretonneux. Yvelines, Paris, France.
Fundación Fernando Villalon. Morón de la Fra. Sevilla.
Institute of Social Studies in The Hague. Netherlands.
Embassy of Spain in Holland.
Museo Taurino Municipal de Chiclana de la Frontera, Cadiz.
Sala Aires Cordoba. Cordoba
Unicaja, Cádiz.
Vipra Foundation. Chiclana de la Frontera. Cadiz.
Publication in the art magazine ART GAL. Barcelona.

PERMANENT COLLECTIONS Art Gallery "GH 40", San Fernando, Cádiz CIALEC - Aires de Cordoba. American Print. Barcelona

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